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Beiträge zu neueren Entwicklungen im antiken Recht und in der Rechtstheorie
Eine Öffnung für im weitesten Sinne kulturwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen – für Fragen zur Rolle von Symbolen, Medien, Rhetorik, Ästhetik etc. – hat seit den 1990er Jahren viele geisteswissenschaftliche Fächer und in neuerer Zeit auch die Altphilologie und ihre Beschäftigung mit dem antiken Recht erfasst. So jedenfalls könnte ein vorläufiges methodologisches Fazit anlässlich einiger neuerer Publikationen zum antiken griechischen und römischen Recht lauten.
Contributions to recent developments in ancient law and legal theory
From the 1990s onwards, an openness towards questions that are in the broadest sense concerned with cultural studies – questions concerning the role of symbols, media, rhetoric, aesthetics etc. – has spread over many liberal arts subjects and recently also ancient philology and its dealings with ancient law. At least, this is what a preliminary methodological summary of some more recent publications on the subject of ancient Greek and Roman law might indicate.
In the 20th century, a specifically normative integration of Western civilization collapsed – and in the 20th century all paradigms corresponding to this system lost their meaning. The symbols of a great Western (legal-) society regressed into nothing more than shallow and abstract nationalisms; visions of a just community were transformed into the law of nation-focused social engineers on both sides of the iron curtain. Expedience, practicability, and the reduction of law to an apparatus of technical tricks, replaced fundamental legal convictions. A world ends when its metaphor has died. These are the core theories in Harold J. Berman’s book Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition, which made him famous.
Foi no século XX que uma particular integração normativa Ocidental entrou em colapso – e foi no século XX que todos os paradigmas correspondentes a esse sistema perderam seu significado. Os símbolos da grande sociedade (jurídico) Ocidental regrediram a nada mais que nacionalismos abstratos e superficiais; visões de uma comunidade justa foram transformadas por uma engenharia social em ambos os lados da cortina de ferro, em um direito focado no Estado Nacional. Eficiência, praticidade, e a redução do direito a um aparato de truques técnicos, substituíram convicções legais fundamentais. Um mundo acaba quando sua metáfora morre. Essas são as teorias centrais no livro Law and Revolution: The formation of Western Legal Tradition de Harold J. Berman (publicado em português pela editora Unisinos como Direito e Revolução: A formação da tradição jurídica Ocidental), que o tornou famoso.
Überlegungen zur Notwendigkeit der Verknüpfung von Sprachtheorie und Medientheorie
Es gibt einen intrinsischen Zusammenhang zwischen Medien und Recht: Ein Medium wie Schrift ist nicht einfach ein Kanal, in dem Recht und rechtliches Wissen kommuniziert werden, vielmehr hat Schrift selbst rechtsbildende Konsequenzen. Me-dien formatieren den Raum, in dem sich kognitives und praktisches Wissen – formative und normative Texte – und damit auch Recht als Teil derartiger Wissensbestände ausbilden. Ohne Lautsprache keine Rechtsformeln und Rechtssprichwörter, ohne Schrift keine Rechtssätze und kein Konditionalprogramm, ohne Buchdruck keine nationalstaatlichen Rechtsbücher und Rechtssysteme – und ohne Computertechnologie kein fragmentiertes Recht innerhalb und jenseits des Nationalstaates. Das sind, schlagwortartig, die Zusammenhänge, denen das Forschungsprojekt Die Medien des Rechts nachgeht.
Reflections on the necessity of linking theory of language and media theory
There is a close relationship between media and law: a medium such as writing is not simply a channel through which law and legal knowledge are communicated; rather, writing itself plays a role in the processes of law-making. Media format the space in which both cognitive and practical knowledge – formative and normative texts – develop, and thus also law as a part of such bodies of knowledge. Without speech there can be no legal formulas and legal proverbs, without writing there can be no legal rules or propositions, without the printing press no nation-state centred books of law or legal systems could emerge – and without computer technology there can be no fragmented law within and beyond the nation state. This, in key terms, is the general perspective that The Media of Law project is researching.
Im 20. Jahrhundert ist eine spezifisch normative Integration der westlichen Zivilisation zusammengebrochen, womit auch die darauf zugeschnittenen Paradigmen ihre Substanz verloren haben. Aus den Symbolen einer großen abendländischen (Rechts-)Gemeinschaft wurden flache und abstrakte Nationalismen, aus der Vision einer gerechten Gemeinschaft das Recht von staatsfixierten Sozialingenieuren diesseits und jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs. Zweckmäßigkeit und Praktikabilität, das Herunterbringen des Rechts auf einen Apparat technischer Kunstgriffe, traten an die Stelle grundsätzlicher Rechtsüberzeugungen. A world ends when its metaphor has died. Das sind, leicht zugespitzt, die Kernthesen des Buches, mit dem Harold J. Berman berühmt geworden ist: Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition.
In the 20th century, a specifically normative integration of Western civilization collapsed – and in the 20th century all paradigms corresponding to this system lost their meaning. The symbols of a great Western (legal-) society regressed into nothing more than shallow and abstract nationalisms; visions of a just community were transformed into the law of nation-focused social engineers on both sides of the iron curtain. Expedience, practicability, and the reduction of law to an apparatus of technical tricks, replaced fundamental legal convictions. A world ends when its metaphor has died. These are the core theories in Harold J. Berman’s book Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition, which made him famous.