Ancilla Iuris

Lagen des Rechts
Constellations of Law


Should we be worrying about a Brexit from the European Convention of Human Rights now, too?

Ancilla Iuris 2017

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The Brexit from the EU is now a political fact with all its consequences. Far less media attention has been paid to British criticism of the European Convention of Human Rights, which may face a similar fate unless its Court is changed into an advisory institution. Should we be worrying about a Brexit from the Convention too? This paper analyses the British debate on European human rights in light of developments within the European Court’s caselaw. In the author’s view, the British government is somewhat overstating the problems.

How to quote this article
Carla Zoethout , Should we be worrying about a Brexit from the European Convention of Human Rights now, too?, in: Ancilla Iuris ( 2017, 1-10.

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