Ancilla Iuris

Lagen des Rechts
Constellations of Law


Paving the Way for an Institutional Approach towards an Ethical Migration Regime

Ancilla Iuris 2013
Special Issue: International Law and Ethics

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In thinking about moral principles for an international regime on migration, international lawyers and political theorists wishing to provide practical guidance should adopt a specific methodological approach suitable for international institutions. This paper proposes a methodological tool entitled “normative reflexive dialogue” to support theorists in dealing with the current institutional realities while developing and justifying moral principles that international institutions should follow. After describing the basic features of this approach, which links legal analysis with moral reasoning, GATS Mode 4 will be used as an example of a methodological approach to generating some substantive moral principles for a migration regime.

How to quote this article
Johan Rochel , Paving the Way for an Institutional Approach towards an Ethical Migration Regime, in: Ancilla Iuris ( 2013, 51-70.

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